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Thai Boxing



Date: 17th December 2016

Time: 15:00-17:00

Venue: Yuen Chau Kok Sports Centre

Aims: To train our strength & release stress

Thai boxing involved vigorous physical movements whilst enabled us to form network amongst peers. We were unfamiliar with Thai Boxing but this practice gave us a good chance to enhance our physical health.

Firstly, we started from some basic punching, such as jabs and crosses, knee strikes and straight kicks. Then, we used the mitts and targets for application and further practices. After the practices, the coach and the teaching assistants suggested us to have a funny games, it was a mini competition. For instance, there were heats and the final round for performing some skills as kicking the targets for twenty times as fast as they can. Afterwards, we had some body muscles training. We got a chance to explore and understand our physical faculties, a wonderful experience of knowing our body.

為了增強體格,我們特意請來專業的教練團隊來教導同學們打拳的基礎。教練先要我們做團體的熱身活動,接著以拍檔形式訓練,最後是小組練習。每一組分別都有一名教練作指導,我們先練習拳踢腳動作,待熟練起來,再來組合式拳擊動作,最後把學得的技巧一股腦兒應用上來。透過是次拳擊訓練,學生們能從中掌握打拳的竅門。 通過有趣的遊戲互動,將練習的成果一一實踐。



Chan Yuk Him, Jerry 

Thai boxing training is the first activity of the whole trip. It is the preparation for our upcoming challenge which will face in Heilongjiang. This training is interesting and make us feel relax as well. Besides, the practice is not only could make me stronger and healthy, but also make me aware of the importance of team spirit and persevering. I believe that this one day class made us get closed and more interactions from each other participants.

Mo Yu Kong, Frank

Communication skills is very important point in Thai boxing, we need to communicate with tutor for to train myself and build up team spirit to win the game. As a team, we need to communication in HLJ. Actually, we need discussion and communication in organizing HLJ. We need to know more about each other for building up friendships. So, Thai boxing can building up friendship and training our communication skills.


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