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Group Dancing





Date: 21,23,29 December 2016

Time: 13:00-16:00

Place: 6213,Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong

Aims: To train our strength & stress release

We walk to the left. We walk to right. And we walk, and we walk and we walk all night…The sound tracks of “New Friends Found” loops indefinitely in our mind with the dramatical steps. We exchange partners in every round and enable us to make new friends with buddies and international students from snow sculpture competition. We share our joyfulness and warm.This year, we approach more interactions with our buddies. Therefore, we prepare a dance with a relaxant song call  Lang hua yi duo duo (浪花一朵朵). The tempos were not so fast and everyone can catch up easily. The rhythm invigorated the ball to the climax with the movements. 


為了在國際學生交流會增加與哈爾濱工程大學學生的互動,我們安排了一首”浪花一朵朵”及一些簡單的舞步,讓學生在輕鬆的氣氛下與夥伴交流。身體隨著旋律跳動,情緒跟著節奏高漲起來。 每人都展現歡歡的表情,盡情地投入其中。團員們漸漸成為一體,從最初快慢不一的動作,蛻變成全體一致的舞蹈。透過不斷的練習,同學們的舞步漸見熟能生巧,眾志成城,幻想著自己能在當晚化身為Michael Jackson,迷倒萬千少男少女,把氣氛推至高𡶶。



Chan Yuk Him Jerry 

Despite a HLJ team, we seldom do the same thing together as a whole. We usually be the organizers in different position. But only in group dancing we would just dance in a joyful mood. At the very beginning, we pick three songs with funny steps. After the internal practice, we decided to decrease to two dances, Lang hua yi duo duo(浪花一朵朵) and Lian ai ing(戀愛ing). Everyone loves these songs and we believe that it would be a wonderful interaction with our buddies and break the barriers among us. Sometimes, dancing can delivery a message of building friendship more than words to our buddies in the International Students Ball. In the previous practice, we got a message from the HEU representatives that they would also organize some event with us too. Therefore, we would decide to cut down the songs on one song only with the limited time for teaching buddies the dance. But I perhaps it would be one of the memorable experience to all of us and our buddies even ten years later!

Lam Ying Sing Kristopher

Dancing provided a nice opportunity for us to practice dancing, our softness are fully improved. We could catch up the beat by practicing more and more. It let our participants more able to teach our buddies the step of dancing, work a good show together. Although it may be a easy dance, we tried our best to learn from the video clip and learn different dance.



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